Friday, July 31, 2015

The Blue-Moon Sets with the Sunrise

This year the blue-moon set in the western sky
as the sun rose in the east;
the bold, celestial alignment
begins this day
in the Rockies.

But about an hour before,
it appeared as a bluebird in the sky.


Magic is intentional misunderstanding. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Stripes of Color and Tone

A study in the balance of tone and color,
captured in stripes of differing examples.


Flowers are beautiful; for some, they are a bounty of riches.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


It's early morning.
The sun shines from just the right spot.
Clouds fill with moisture.
I ask myself:

How is this a rainbow?
Today there's no rain.

The most intense 'rainbow'
I've ever seen (this one)
was created
without rain.


Nothing clears the air of the mind like a long walk.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Alive Today

The most beautiful and frightening people in history are alive today.


Is there anything more satisfied than a bee, covered in pollen?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Starring Cloud

This cloud looks like an eye, starring somewhere.


Coincidence is everywhere, when one looks for it.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunflower Back

Parts we spend little time looking at
-like the backside of a flower-
have a beauty of their own.


Is it any wonder we see faces ever where when the largest lobe in the brain is the visual cortex and a huge portion of that is dedicated to facial recognition? Add a pair of glasses to a simple fire-hydrant and the trick is complete.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Bolt Illuminates Cloud

What looks like such a small bolt makes so much light.


The question is no longer if someone’s watching but why.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Sunrise City

Soon the city lights will sleep as the night gives way to day.


This picture reminds us that sometimes the most beautiful sights are right above. We focus so much on what's in front or who's behind; we almost never simply look straight up and take a moment to enjoy the majesty.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Facing the Morning Light

Sometimes facing the day is sunnier than others.


I walk past this canal everyday. Each day it is different, reflecting the time of year. It doesn't look like much in the winter, but its summer face is certainly nice.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mountain Peak Windows

A mountain peak rises into the reflective magic of a man-made image.


There is no one out there I want to hate.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tree Shadow Window

The morning sun casts the shadow of a young pine across an old house.


A sun-dog (the rainbow ring around the sun) becomes a plasma ball with the help of a barren tree.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Forests Need Fire-Hydrants

Even out in the sticks, there are reasons to prepare for the worst.


A family portrait, cast in shadow. Jupiter Juice (my rotty), me in the center, and India (my pit-weiler) on the right. India is the biological daughter of Jupiter. When I brought her home at a few weeks old, she sniffed the carpet, her tail began to wag a million miles an hour, and the two played as if they had never been apart. She knew instantly she was home and he knew she was his little girl. To be honest, she bullies him a bit more than I like but everyday I thank the universe for them.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer Sunrise

The cloud reach in tentacles of color from behind the mountain.


No matter what others have told you about me,

how you treat me is up to you.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Flower Wings

Any second, it'll take off ... just watch.


Brief Moments
Finding the perfect moment to shoot the sky is impossible. 
One must simply shoot, hope for the best, and then shoot again and again. 
Sometimes, the effort is rewarded with a golden second, saved for eternity. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

New Sun, Old Wood

Old wooden fingers caress the sunrise.


The Rent is Due

When will the crisis in the Crimea end? Ukraine owes Russia many rubles for energy. How many does Russia owe in rent for their occupation of the Crimea? Will this fact become a bridge or a wedge?

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Pedals Pulled Back

Flowers are so much more alive than we give them credit for.


Music is a drug

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Perfect Spider Trap

Overkill? This spider builds a tent of webbing above a valley of entanglement.
The overnight rain helps us comprehend its complexity.


Know It All

Having an answer to the question of life 

is not the same 

as knowing how to live it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Many Streaks of Morning Color

Early summer color gives way to a spectacular day.


A View From Here

As a kid, I would pretend to be a thousand feet tall. With my camera, I can turn a patch of winter slush into a vast river delta.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Perfect Valley View

Now that this blog is a year old, I can introduce the next dimension of this blog: history. Enjoy the previous blogs on this day.

Jaxon Daily

As an artist and philosopher, I search for the answers, finding them simultaneously in the heart and the head.

Sharing is a passion. This blog is an outlet for my daily need to add something positive to this universe. I use many mediums to tell my varied stories. Here, I will share a daily photo and thought. I might delve deep into the meaning and purpose of life or just point out the obvious and extraordinary with a simple moment. My philosophy is base solely on the idea that life is the opportunity to take power or find love; in the end, we cannot do both.

I spend hours writing my narratives and walking my dogs. While I walk, I watch. When something catches my eye, I capture it. This blog will share the two things I love most in one place. So, enjoy a bit of wisdom coupled with a snapshot of time.

All contents of this blog are my originals. It is amazing what one sees when one walks in no particular direction. Check out my other blogs.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mountain Ray

The sun rises in just the right spot to send a ray of light off the mountain peak.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Full Moon River

Today I remember my father on the day of his birth, 
at the hour and minute of his death.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Purple Fuzz

The tiny hairs reach into the future with their attempt to procreate.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Old Window, New Tree

A new tree 
reaches into the earth next to an old window, 
recently raised in an attempt to preserve our pioneer past.
The fresh concrete insures the roots remain separate from our memories. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Water Splash Tree Relection

I took this photo and realized it looks best upside-down.
Sometimes re-orientating our point of view adds balance.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Permanent Human Fireworks

All year long we surround ourselves
in the permanent human fireworks that are our cities.