Friday, September 18, 2015

Come On People!

Can we not pay attention and remain reasonable
or are we all so entitle?

$ Strategies 


Eat, move, sleep, and live like a caveman. Why? We didn't survive for hundreds of thousands of years without some wisdom. Our techno-consumer culture threatens our ability to remain in touch with some simple truths. Start reading now.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Acrylic Sky

Watch the deep, slow strokes of Nature's beautiful brush.

God's Tiny Reflection


One of a Kind

Not every snail has what it takes to climb a fence.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Asphalt Eye

A crack, a few chips, and a tiny stone create the impression of an eye.

Read a stony-eyed look at Donald Trump


I have two new articles about zoos and dogs.

Monday, September 14, 2015


The colorful hand-prints of children, set in a blank background.


Sin is a political movement.

Who profits from sin? The definitions, the very concept comes from the powers that be. We build monuments and places of worship to remind us of these limits. In the end, sin is the way we comfort ourselves that our side is right and our enemy is wrong.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Glorious Sunrise

Color, mountain, rays of light, texture, and form ... what else is there in a great sunrise?


Thirteen-years have past. Let us not forget that life moves on and the human spirit heals.

I explore what happens to an 9-11 hijacker after the planes hit the Towers in the gripping short story Aftermath, available at 72 virgins? Try perfect justice.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Never Stop Loving

Truth ...


Using the camera to force one's focus of a scene ads dimension and emotion not possible in real life.

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Fence Of Summer

The wonderful, warm summer colors of early morning.


This pic captures the reflection of the tree that dropped the acorns in the gutter. 

An interesting natural overlay of images.