Monday, October 31, 2016

Red Windy Morning

The moving red storm
blows the trees
and vibrates
the street-light.


Metal Pac-Man monsters
are finally caught
stealing the garden gnome.


Halloween Tree

If there's going to be an X-Mas Tree, why not a Halloween Tree?
This centuries-old specimen is as big as it looks...
feels like a good candidate to me.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Stormy Day

Early winter weather
colors mountain peaks
in cold white snow
and soft gray clouds.


The frothy bubbles of a pot of water 
makes a face for the season.


Relationship Strata

Read my latest blog about how we relate and why it's so important to consider the definition of our state. Does that person interest us? Are they worthy of connection? Who will we integrate with? More importantly, why should we care?

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Yellow Flowers First

Sometimes even
yellow flowers
come first.


Light reflects upon this wall
in a way that seems


Last Rights

We all have the right to live and die with dignity and authenticity. Each day we increase or decrease the distance between now and no more. "One more day closer to death?" This is not inevitable. What I do today may bring me two days closer to death or it might push it one day further away. Fate is in the now, not the distant tomorrow. How I live today affects how many days I have left to live.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Orange-Streaked Sky

Winter comes early.


The colors remind me
of steel melting
in fire,


A Waste of Effort

So much of our world
is made,
and forgotten. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Pretty White Flowers

Soft focus on
a pair of
pretty white flowers.


Like stabbing sharp knives,
the cloud's color
pierces the dark.


The Myth of Mount Olympus

The elements come together for an image of heaven meeting earth.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

School-Bus Morning

Soft, crayon, colorful clouds
rise beyond the mountain's peak
awaiting the embrace
of childish


A snail recharges
atop the man-made


A Calculated Certainty

The ability for a computer to recreate the beauty of man's hand 
will only increase with time. 
the capacity to create an algorithm
to discover this fraud will follow.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sparkling White Flowers

A row of white
sparkling flowers
rise among
the others.

 Natural Light

Look close.
Do you see the can?


The power pole looks like a cross, next to a stop sign, slightly beneath a flag. The narrative here is simple, but the meaning depends on which direction you read it. (Left to right) Should we stop religion from taking over America? (Or right to left) Is America the religion that stops the world?

Monday, October 17, 2016

Night Sunflower Light

A night light
the sunflower's


Over the local high-school's ball field
stretches the fingers
of a cloud crown.

Holding the Spliff

Clouds are an infinite source of shape
and expression without limit.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Fence-Post Light-Splashed

Wooden light shapes
shadows fallen upon
sturdy lines.


The color of morning
has so many


The repetition of a single theme.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Between Buds

The bee hungers
and jumps
between buds.


We hold to the past
to remind us
how good
we have


Not every oil spill on the road looks like a dream-catcher.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tiny Frozen River

A frozen river
or a tiny picture
of a parking lot?


Man-made light simply adds
but does not compare.


Oil provides many things. Refining it creates lubricants and fuels. Here is a lubricant that has become the symbolic representation of the next stage of refinement: fuel.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Flower Fingers

Tiny flower fingers
reach from within.


Sunflower eyes and a drooping nose,
a slight red smile,
and yellow hair.


A recent trip to the zoo reminded me that what I already knew about the zoo, I still know; things have changed, yet stay the same. Read the article.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Red White and Blue Sky

Red, white, and blue sky,
stripped with form.


Sinking fog holds
light long enough
to see.


SCOTUS Social Fraud?

The recent progress in marriage rights may have been technically correct, but by failing to do more, has the Supreme Court done more than simply fail to settle the issue? Read the article.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Flower Boulevard

A wide-angle lens
captures the open space
of the flower-filled


Creeping clouds resist
the coming light
while the mountain stands
against the descending sunrise.


There's only one thing to remember
when you shoot the sun:
don't look directly at it.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Shrooms and Grass

A grove of mushrooms
rising from the
green grass.


Waves of color and light
crest the morning sky.


This is a picture of swimming seals
and standing spectators. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Sun-Crowned Mountain Peak

Twice a year
the sun and mountain


The sun rises between twin-peaks,
creating the illusion of
a sun-peak.


Every street, every town, every city, every state ... 
there's always a someone who enjoys the cliche.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Tiny Windmill Focus

A tight shot
of a tiny


Fundamental shapes within the universe
illicit parallels with nature,
forcing a vision of the sharpest threats
in the softest things.


Recently, the Supreme Court effectively ruled on marriage equality. By dismissing the cases, they upheld the lower court rulings. In most states, all loving couples may now marry. But what about the rest of them? As future rulings emerge from district courts across the country, the only way the Supreme Court becomes relevant is if there is a ruling contrary to consent. Although it will take time for every American to be free to marry whom they wish, today was a milestone in the process.
Read full article