Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Golden Morning Color

Bubbling colors of morning
invite the day's imagination.


Early morning light mixes
with storm clouds,
warning of the day.


Read my latest blog about how we relate and why it's so important to consider the definition of our state. Does that person interest us? Are they worthy of connection? Who will we integrate with? More importantly, why should we care?

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Brown Flowers

Not all flowers
require an array
of color to be


As Black Friday fades into memory,
let us not forget the
early morning warriors plight.


When I die, I will experience
seeing this.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Frisbee Golf 13th Hole

This is the 13th hole
of the Frisbee golf course
that bares the name
of the inventor of
the Frisbee.


If you're a deer,
I hope you
get the message.


This is my little girl.

She has one aim:
attack that stream of
sweet, refreshing water.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Red Sky Tree

A single, bare tree
rises into the red-orange sky.


Dark lines of territory
touch the deep forms
of color.


Wooden Wave

The repetition of basic ideas like motion and form
are found everywhere,
when you look closely.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Daylight Lamp

As the sunrises
into the morning sky,
this lamp still
shines bright.


This brilliant purple
seems unnatural.
It is.


A close up of crystal ice
in winter's wonderland.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cloudy Sunrise Mountain

Passing clouds color
the sky as the sun rises
behind the mountain peak.


How beautiful this must look
to a hungry squirrel.


This is the season when we say
goodbye to the green and yellow,
goodbye to the brown and red,
and trade it all in
for a blanket of white.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Red Car Curves

The soft curves of
classic cars warm
the lover's soul.


The shape and color,
the spines and lines ...
I see a critter emerge
from the flowering foam.


Symbols in Conflict

The power pole looks like a cross, next to a stop sign, slightly beneath a flag. The narrative here is simple, but the meaning depends on which direction you read it. (Left to right) Should we stop religion from taking over America? (Or right to left) Is America the religion that stops the world?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Rock Pieces

The world of the
miniature invites


The sky-shapes
reinforce the
steeple's message.


It's as if the sky is a drain,
pulling the light and form into it.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Classic Red

Soft molded lines of metal
reflect an early morning.


The color of maturity
stands out among
the others.


Nature is the source of our greatest fears,
or most desired pleasures,
and our deepest selves.

What lies at the end of the light's path,
in the cave of darkness?

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Cold Warmth

Early morning light
etches the lines of
a hopeful tree.


The night sky provides backdrop
for this array of light shapes.


Levels of Autumn

An early dusting of the mountains adds dimension to an autumn afternoon.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Moon-Lit Dome

The full moon makes
an excellent light
atop the clear dome.


The hand of a branch
caresses both
apple and leaf.


Check out my latest post at

Sweet Suicide 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Soft Red Morning Light

Soft glowing red morning light
etches the mountain peak.


I remember my early days
yearning to place the ball
in the net.


A shadow was created in this long exposure shot
that has the affect of casting a shadow from the tree onto the sky.
If you look close, you'll see it's my rotty, Jupiter Juice.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Red-Leaved Tree

There are far too many
red leaves for this
single tree.


The sun aligns with a cloud to create
something like an eyeball.


Our city has a program to collect leaves. This photo is a stark example of the local citizenry's engagement of government despite their desire to limit it. It's clear reality doesn't support their view. In this case, government is not only wanted, but more is needed.