Saturday, December 31, 2016

Their Look

Father and daughter.
A new year
beyond their love.
Goodbye 2016.
I won't miss your pain.


The coming New Year
promises the angelic
opportunity to
create magic.


The Autumn colors shine through the glassy ice,
shattered by freezing imperfections.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Her Look

Happy face at play.


Storm clouds clear,
exposing the blush
of morning.


A unique winter allowed for a warm marsh
along with fresh snow to create
fog on the first really
cold winter morning.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Father and Daughter

Life as family


The lights of the season
run like a string within the form
etched from the sun's glow.

Snow Angel

... or an angel with snow on it.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sweet India




An ornament appropriate
for the day.

Bubbles of light
dance in the soft embrace
of silent snow.


A classic image of a white Christmas
idealizes the Holidays
in Holladay City Center.

Friday, December 23, 2016

In Memory

Because of the sudden,
tragic loss of my sweet girl,
this daily blog will hold her image
for a time...


The metaphorical morning
a tree of life might
be born.

Little Nature Chairs

I imagine these are
the resting place of gnomes
and elves ...
or maybe just
squirrels and birds.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Valley Sun-Spot

The shape of the mountains,
the rise of the sun,
the form of the clouds,
create this valley sun-spot.


As the end of one season
gives rise to the promise
of the next,
let us never forget
the possibility
of growth.

Autumn's Shadow

This year the shadow of autumn
has stuck around to an amazing
and frightening

Monday, December 19, 2016

White-Flower Wooden-Fence

White flowers standout
before the dark-brown


Sun-rays warm
cloud bellies.

A special tree...

Rock Creatures

Little rock creatures
chillin' in the snow.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Golden Cloud Forms

Golden cloud forms
take an almost
animistic pose.


A crumpled napkin runs from some
horrible fate,
as if it doesn't already
know it's a ghost,
frozen in form, time,
and mind.

Tis the Season!


A nice reminder of spring
in the early days of winter.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Orange-Cream Flower

I love orange-cream,
in any incarnation.


The lines of cloud-color line
the wire lines of man while
man walks below.

Snow Dunes

A micro view of a snowy field
looks like a vast extent of
snow dunes.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Golden Sunrise Sky

Early morning makes
the snow-covered mountain
glow golden bright.


Electric sunlight bounds from the morning's motion,
bouncing off the clouds,
illuminating the darkened
man-made light.


Western winter skies produce
great color and form
when conditions are right
for a glorious sunrise.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Red Clouds Rolling

Rolling red clouds
rise from the early sun.


The warm colors of this playground at night
captures both the simplicity and loneliness of

Crack in the Fence

Art's greatest accomplishment
is like a crack in the fence:
it allows us to peer into worlds
we would otherwise
never see.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Winter Sunrise

From behind the cloud cover
the sun rises
beyond the mountain peak.


The game captures our
ancient need to feel
connected to brutal


Torture is not an Art of War: Torture is Terrorism

What does Sun Tzu have to say about torture?
What was the motivation for Bush Administration?
What should happen now? Read my latest article about this.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Heavenly Tree Light

Christmas is celebrated on the 25
for celestial reasons.
It was the first day
the sun was seen,
moving in the new

Sun and Moon
move the Heavens.


The last colors
of the last flowers
of the season.


There are no more beautiful hues than blue and orange.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A Magical Puff of Cold Morning Light

Like Aladdin's Lamp,
the sky puffs
magical, morning light.


Just the right amount of light, dark and shape
to launch the eye into
the infinite sky.

Racial ID


I caught this family of ducks
crossing a lush canal.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Purple Point

The purple flower
pokes at the
camera's focus.


Seasons change,
one overwhelming
the other.


Wealth is controlling space 
for the sole purpose of providing 
personal, peaceful, privacy. 

Poverty is crowed 
and loud.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Geometric Focus of Sport

Focused lines
of the
goalie's net
fills the mind.


Nature's fractal design
defines the harmony
of shape.


I walked passed this and thought:

What a strange thing...
to fence a fence.