Friday, August 31, 2018

Fiery Sky Fingers

Fiery colors
spread fingers of form
across the sky.
Read Aftermath


Early morning,
long exposure,
see what the eye cannot.


Old man-hole
covers threat.


The theory of nicotine-based herbicides causing problems with bees is clear to me.
I have photographed far too many dead bees, face deep in the flower's chemistry.
I noticed this one was still moving after taking a few shots.
Needless to say I tried to save its life.
It tried to fly.
Who knows if I made a difference.
I choose hope.


A camera is a licence to inspect things I wouldn't have given a second thought. As I study flowers, I have found an odd phenomena: dead bees. It's an overdose. They're stone-cold, thorax deep in the good-stuff. Today, I noticed a bee flying around this plant. Then, I noticed the three dead ones, all assuming this same pose. But one didn't seem so dead. I blew on it. It moved, slowly. I blew harder and it seemed to roll over. I took a pic. Dead bees make great models and I have many pics. This is the first one I caught still alive.  It only looks like peek-a-boo, In reality, this bee is sprawled-out, dying. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

All Orange

Sunrise sunflower
glows deep orange.
Author Page


Sun shines through
the tree's dense limb.


Nature's hover-craft
takes a seat.


These other-worldly shapes and colors
create an inventive narrative:
cloud-ships are attacking!


One thing I love about cameras
is their ability to capture a perspective
not possible with the human eye.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Stalker Tire

Nature grows around
the old, stalker tire.
Author Page


Clouds rise
as flames
across the
mountain ridge.


Standing next to the fence,
the red rose lives.


The light shines from behind the tree,
washes upwards,
and covers the sky.


Studies show a connection between the number of bumper-stickers and the level of road-rage. More = more. Whether on the right or the left, those with agendas force them on us with every opportunity. Nuance is difficult from some. For others, it's the enemy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Glowing Sky Leaves

Sun and clouds
glow beyond
the tree's leaves.
Author Page


Different light, same flowers
creates different shades of purple.


Sweetness is
how we


The artist's test: are you in love with your work?


As much as I love the coming change,
I cannot forget where that leads.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Glowing Mountain Peak

Sun glows from behind
the mountain's peak.
Author Page


Fiery color rises
from the mountain peak.


The universe waves
its golden fan
across the
morning sky.


The morning light casts dancing shadows across the wooden fence.


This is my favorite time of year.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Rock and Cover

Round rock.
Round cover.
Author Page


A splatter of color
peppers the sky.


Faces reveal everything.
Hands touch reality.
Young love laughs.


The shape of the cloud and tree
create a touching moment of harmony.


Living in the South, I always felt suffocated by the narrow perception of distance. I knew life existed beyond the trees and houses before me but I couldn't see it. Out west were the mountains rise above the horizon in all directions, I am always able to feel their distance, their reassuring reminder that everything around me is not all that is. There is a certain sanity provided by the perception of pure space. Nothing defines distance like a towering mountain range.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Fuzzy Purple

Purple flowers
rise from the stalk.
Author Page


The sap drips
from the long


The setting moon
looks over the valley.


The shinny surface of a plastic fence
captures slices of a reflected image.


A close up view of a tree knot
becomes a south-western canyon
with a little blurring.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Balls of Glow

Night lights
glow through
the night sky.
Author Page


Shape and texture
echo a bird's wing.


A closer look
reveals less.


A passing summer storm
does not interfere with the sport,
played at the park.


When we remember just how great it is to live in a country
 were we have the time and space to enjoy simple things
like a beautiful sunrise, 
it makes handling all the horrible news 
from all the distant places in the world just a little easier.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Two Trees

One tree stands
above another.
Author Page


Sun shines through
leaves and trees,
finding the white rose.


Early morning calls
to move towards
the playground.


Moisture, mountains, and the right conditions
create some seriously interesting shapes.


You cannot close your eyes in Heaven.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sun-Kissed Pot

The sun shines through
the leaves and lands
on the broken pot.
Author Page


Purple pedals hold
morning droplets.


Thick shafts of light,
refracting off dense
forest-fire smoke,
hail the coming


The soft colors of summer invite
the eye and mind to dreamy imagination.


Having an answer to the question of life is not the same as 
knowing how to live it.