Friday, August 10, 2018

Oak Leaves

Morning light hits
the oak tree.


Dull greens mix
with brilliant yellow
and gray.


A little smoke,
a few clouds,
a mountain ridge,
a perfect sunrise.


Cloud shapes fan
from the horizon to the sky above
in a cascade of color.


I often find objects on my walks that tell a story. This shoe was left at the playground, where the concrete edge of the road met the gravel pit. It's as if the child bolted into the fun, never to return for the shoe. It tells of both the child's memory as well as the memories of childhood; how we could literally run out of our shoes because they fit so poorly and our bodies were that powerful at that time. It also speaks of a child, so enveloped in the moment, a missing shoe doesn't even register when it's time to go home. 

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